Gehirngesundheit und körperliche Fitness: Wie Bewegung Ihr Gedächtnis stärkt

Brain health and physical fitness: How exercise boosts your memory

Did you know that physical exercise can influence your brain health and fitness? In this article, we explain how it works and which activities can benefit your brain.

Scientific background

Neuroscientific findings

Our brain is an amazing organ that can adapt to change and create new connections where they are needed. This phenomenon is known as neuroplasticity. Exercise plays a crucial role in this process. Regular physical activity supports the formation of new nerve cells and strengthens the connections between neurons.

Studies and research results

Numerous studies have already found a positive effect of exercise on brain health. A remarkable meta-analysis of various studies showed that regular aerobic exercise increases the volume of the hippocampus, a key region for memory, in healthy older people. These results could not be achieved with strength training. In addition, long-term studies have shown that people who exercise regularly have better memory performance as they age.

Types of physical activity and their specific benefits

Aerobic exercises

Aerobic exercise is a form of physical activity that is performed at a moderate intensity over a long period of time. It improves cardiovascular fitness and oxygen uptake in the body, including the brain. Examples of effective aerobic exercise include running, swimming and cycling.

Strength training

Strength training also has positive effects on the brain. Recommended activities include weight lifting, resistance band training, and using weight machines.

Flexibility and balance exercises

Exercises that promote flexibility and balance also support brain health. Yoga and Tai Chi not only improve physical balance, but also mental clarity and concentration.

Practical tips for your everyday life

Integration of movement into daily life

You can incorporate exercise into your everyday life not only in the form of large training sessions. Daily walks or consciously taking the stairs instead of the elevator can also make a difference. Think about how you can make small changes based on your personal fitness level that will bring more exercise into your everyday life.

Motivational strategies

To stay motivated in the long term, you can arrange to do some exercise with other people or join a club. Working together can help you stick to it. Fitness apps and trackers can also be a useful tool for monitoring your progress and motivating yourself.

Additional lifestyle factors for optimal brain health

Diet, high-quality and sufficient sleep and good stress management are also important factors that can influence your brain health. In our article on nutrition and brain health , you will learn which aspects you should pay particular attention to when choosing your food.


Regular exercise has been proven to have positive effects on brain health and memory performance. An active lifestyle makes an important contribution to maintaining cognitive functions into old age. Start today with small steps to bring more exercise into your everyday life.

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